
Adult Cardiac Surgery

Department of Adult Cardiac Surgery of the Jo Ann University Hospital. In 2000 an Adult Cardiac Surgery Service was launched at the Jo Ann University Hospital. Our mentors are world-leading specialists in the field: 

Prof Peter Bruke, Lintz, Austria

Prof. Amando Gamma, Bergamo, Italy

Prof. Ottavio Alfieri, Milano, Italy

Prof. Lans Svensoni, Clivlend, USA

All kinds of complex cardiac surgical interventions in the adult category are performed at the Jo Ann University Hospital, the outcomes achieved are in full accordance with the world standards.

 The patient centered approach to treatement is implemented. Operations are performed at low rates. When it is possible we try to avoid replacement of heart valves (prosthetics) and to restore their function through plastics (repaiment). If complications develop post myocardial infarctions (ventricular aneurysms, ventricular septal defects, acute valve injuries) the most difficult and relatively rare interventions on the aortic arch are successfully performed.

The Adult Surgery Service studies the latest developments of the world's leading centers, and   implements them in Georgia.