
Thoracic Surgery

The Department of Thoracic Surgery at the Jo Ann University Hospital performs thoracic surgeries of all types and complexity in neonatal, pediatric and adult patients. 

Under the leadership of a thoracic surgeon Ivane Tsuleiskiri, such modern progressive medical technologies, as mini-invasive, thoracoscopic and video-assisted thoracic surgery has been introduced at the Department. 

Today, following thoracic surgical procedures are performed at the Thoracic Surgery Department of the Jo Ann University Hospital:  

- Congenital tracheal and bronchial stenosis, discrete atresia, surgical treatment with artificial blood circulation support; 

- Thoracoscopic surgical interventions on the mediastinum, lungs and pleura, thoracoscopic resection of a lung, partial and complete pleurectomy, thoracoscopic biopsy of the mediastinum and excision of solid formations, plastic surgery of the diaphragm, thoracoscopic pericardio-pleurostomy and other; 

- Surgical Treatment of Oncological Diseases in children and adults

-  In 2016, Dr. Ivane Tsuleiskiri introduced a mini-invasive thoracoscopic correction of congenital funnel chest (pectus excavatum) deformity at the Jo Ann University Hospital

- Since 2018  interventions designed to reverse the most complex congenital malformation of the trachea – tracheomalacia are performed, and in recent years aortopexy and tracheal back wall plastic with lateralization of the esophagus were  introduced at the  Jo Ann University Hospital; -

The Jo Ann University Hospital provides diagnosis and treatment of congenital pulmonary vascular diseases - arterio-venous malformations and pulmonary sequestration.